The End of this Chapter…

Ahhh… it has come to the end of the semester and my time at Texas Tech University. Why not reflect on my time here and give a little advice to those still on their college journey? So before I start having a breakdown, let’s get this going. I came to Texas Tech on a whim,Continue reading “The End of this Chapter…”


Welcome back everyone! For this blog post, I was given a seemingly difficult challenge. That challenge was to create a user generated content campaign for the launch of Mucinex’s NightShift medicine. When I first received this challenge, I was optimistic about it. How hard can coming up with a creative campaign be? After about threeContinue reading “#SurvivingTheNightShift”

It’s a rant, it’s advice, it’s a blog!!

Welcome to my blog everyone! When I started writing this blog, I was a little nervous because I don’t always speak in the most “politically correct” manner. Professor Langston if you’re reading this, I promise I learned something in your PR writing course. Everyone please bear with me, as this is my first blog… EVER!Continue reading “It’s a rant, it’s advice, it’s a blog!!”

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