It’s a rant, it’s advice, it’s a blog!!

Welcome to my blog everyone! When I started writing this blog, I was a little nervous because I don’t always speak in the most “politically correct” manner. Professor Langston if you’re reading this, I promise I learned something in your PR writing course. Everyone please bear with me, as this is my first blog… EVER! Today, I want to talk about the basics of what a blog is. We see blogs every day on TV, social media, etc. but most of us have no idea what a blog actually is. Now that we’re done with the formalities, let’s do this!

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The term “blog” has been thrown around since the beginning of the social media wave. Most people tend to think of blogs as online forums where people rant on topics they disapprove. Others think it’s where soccer moms gather to share tips on how to make the best gluten-free cupcakes for the school bake sale.

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The truth is, a blog is both. Blogs are simply online posts from people with free time and internet access. If anyone can create a blog, why are they so popular?

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In this day and age, everyone tends to go online to seek reviews and tips before trying anything new. Blogs are perfect for those wanting information on special topics or even opinions and tips. For example, Perez Hilton is one of the most famous celebrity bloggers. Most people follow his website to gain the inside scoop on all of their favorite celebrity drama.

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Whether you are looking for a special recipe for your child’s Christmas party or need make-up tips, a blog can be your best friend. An important tip to remember is that blogs are written by ordinary people. You have to take the advice with a grain of salt.

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